Our Advisory Council
BranchED’s Advisory Council is a committee of individuals representing the educator preparation profession and their respective institutions, PK-12 school districts, and education reform organizations to provide thought partnership for BranchED’s work.

Dr. Gloria Swindler Boutte
University of South Carolina
Boutte is the founder of the Center of Excellence for the Education and Equity of African American Students (CEEEAAS). She has presented her work and/or served as a visiting scholar internationally in every continent except Antarctica. In2017, Boutte and George Johnson created a curriculum, Drs. Diaspora, which teaches about African and African American history and culture.

Dr. Rose Chu
Minnesota Education Equity Partnership
Some highlights:
A native of Hong Kong, Rose grew up in Malaysia before coming to the United States 39+ years ago. She was the first in her family to go to college and earned a PhD from Georgia Tech, with a major in Human-Machine Systems Engineering and a minor in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science. Her dissertation involved developing an intelligent tutoring system for NASA with 60,000 lines of code in C++. She had almost five years of experience working at Honeywell as a senior research scientist before leaving the profession to become a teacher.
Rose was a secondary math classroom teacher, district mentor, curriculum specialist and math/science equity coordinator at Minneapolis Public Schools, one of the largest urban district in Minnesota. She was hired as part of the Secondary Alternative Licensure Pathway program for career changers, a collaboration between MPS and St. Cloud State University.
Rose recently “retired” from Metropolitan State University with Professor Emerita status. She was a teacher educator and faculty leader in the Urban Teacher Program (UTP). UTP was created with a legislative mandate to increase the number of teachers of color.
Rose had executive management and leadership experiences through her appointment as Assistant Commissioner for MN Department of Education, and later as interim dean for the School of Urban Education at Metropolitan State (Where UTP is housed).
Rose has been a Senior Policy Fellow at MnEEP since August 2016 leading the work for MnEEP’s strategic Big Bold Goal #3: MN educators reflect student demographics. She founded the statewide TeachMN2020 Campaign to create and retain a racially diverse teacher workforce. TeachMN2020 aims to demystify and elevate the teaching profession by changing the public narrative about teaching (see ImprintU.org), and to catalyze collaborative engagement towards collection action, accountability and impact.
Rose also serves as the Training and Technical Assistant Consultant with Youthprise’s federally funded Opportunity Reboot initiative since Fall 2015. She supports six community-based organizations in Minnesota to re-engage “opportunity youth” in education and work through a youth development lens. Most recently, Rose served on the curriculum development team and is an endorsed trainer for the required Cultural Competency Training for teachers under the MN Professional Educator Standards and Licensing Board.
She has a diverse professional service portfolio and consulting experience, from coaching math teachers, preparing teacher candidates for math licensure exams, to designing/facilitating community engagement convenings and activities. From serving as an equity thought partner in conference planning and execution, to facilitating systems thinking and systems change theories and practices with organization leaders.
Rose has a long history of service through her volunteerism and leadership in the community. She co-founded the Dragon Festival at Lake Phalen in St. Paul and is currently a founding board member of the Coalition of Asian American Leaders in Minnesota. Rose was formerly a member of the Civic Engagement Steering Committee facilitated by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights and is currently a Parks and Recreation Commissioner for the city of Little Canada, among many of the boards and committees she has served or continues to serve (and many more declined). She was recently elected to the Roseville Area School Board, and will begin her 4-year term starting in January 2020.

Dr. Belinda Bustos Flores
University of Texas at San Antonio
Flores has published five books and numerous articles centering on teacher recruitment, development, and culturally efficacious pedagogies. Recognitions include: 1st place award for Outstanding Dissertation from The National Association for Bilingual Education, 2000; and the 2004 UTSA President’s Distinguished Award for Research Excellence. Dr. Flores is the founder of the UTSA’s Academy for Teacher Excellence, which was honored in 2015 as a "Bright Spot in Hispanic Education” by the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics.
Dr. Flores was the recipient of the 2015 AERA Hispanic Research Issues SIG Elementary, Secondary, and Postsecondary Award. In 2019, Dr. Flores was the recipient of the AERA Bilingual Education Research SIG Lifetime Achievement Award.

Dr. Nicholas Hartlep
Berea College
Dr. Hartlep has published 22 books, the most recent being (2019) What Makes a Star Teacher? Seven Dispositions that Encourage Student Learning which was published by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. His book The Neoliberal Agenda and the Student Debt Crisis in U.S. Higher Education, with Lucille L. T. Eckrich and Brandon O. Hensley (2017) was named an Outstanding Book by the Society of Professors of Education. In 2018, the Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) granted Dr. Hartlep the John Saltmarsh Award for Emerging Leaders in Civic Engagement Award.
In 2017, Metropolitan State University presented him with both the 2017 Community Engaged Scholarship Award and the President’s Circle of Engagement Award. In 2016, the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee presented him with a Graduate of the Last Decade Award for his prolific writing. In 2015, he received the University Research Initiative Award from Illinois State University and a Distinguished Young Alumni Award from Winona State University. Follow his work on Twitter at @nhartlep or at his website, www.nicholashartlep.com

Dr. Rita Kohli
University of California, Riverside

Dr. Carmelita Lamb
University of Mary

Lisa Quay
Student Experience Research Network

Dr. Willis Walter
Virgina State University