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Introducing Cohort One of
BranchED’s National Teacher Preparation
Transformation Center

Educator preparation providers (EPPs) at six minority serving institutions (MSIs) across the United States selected to participate in Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity’s (BranchED) National Teacher Preparation Transformation Center will undergo an immersion process aimed at producing highly effective and diverse teachers.

Institutions comprising BranchED’s National Teacher Preparation Transformation Center’s Cohort 2 include Alabama A&M University in Huntsville, Ala., Mount St. Mary’s University in Los Angeles, Calif., Texas A&M International University in Laredo, Texas, University of La Verne in La Verne, Calif., Virginia State University in Petersburg, Va., and West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas. The pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade (PK-12) school district partners for these respective institutions also participate in the Transformation Center.


Alabama A&M University

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Mount Saint Mary's University

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Texas A&M International University

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Through participation in the Transformation Center—a three-year program—these colleges and universities join a unique community of practice where each institution’s faculty and their respective school district partners can access enhanced resources and professional development, network with others, share data and learn from each other to move forward with sustainability and innovation. The larger goals of BranchED’s Transformation Center include both diversifying the teaching profession and intentionally addressing critical issues of educational equity for all students.