Fall Summit – Math as a Superpower: Turning Mathematics from a Phobia to an Asset
Join us for our Fall Summit in Raleigh, North Carolina. We will explore the interconnectedness of mathematic teaching and learning and social and emotional learning, as well as how our early mathematical experiences impact our math identity and teaching behaviors. Research shows that pre-service teachers often have low level of confidence linked to negative experiences when learning mathematics during their own schooling, thus this affects instructional decision-making and use of curriculum materials. During this summit, participants will engage in interactive activities to explore and enhance their own mathematics toolkit that will help foster their teacher candidate’s mathematics beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge for future success for themselves and their K-12 students. Participants who successfully meet summit objectives will receive a digital badge which they can share on their social/professional media platforms.
BranchED will sponsor the travel and lodging costs of participants, and all Summit meals will be provided. Additional information will be shared with you to confirm your team, book travel, and share Summit pre-work.
Dr. Tonya ClarkeClayton County Public School System
Dr. Tonya Clarke has been a mathematics educator for 25 years, serving in mathematics leadership for the past 15years. As a Georgia Master Teacher, local Teacher of the Year, and Support Supervisor of the Year finalist, Dr. Clarke’s ability to support instruction that leads to student achievement has been consistently recognized. Dr. Clarke has provided input to a variety of curriculum projects for the state of Georgia, College Board, and private educational organizations. Her education and experiences have exposed Dr. Clarke to opportunities to learn from a diverse group of people, allowing her to engage with critical praxis in the implementation of equitable teaching practices. As founder of the I’m W.O.K.E. Project, an acronym for widening options through knowledge and empowerment, Dr. Clarke trains teachers to develop culturally relevant mathematics lessons that are designed to foster inquiry, problem solving, critical thinking, and engagement while developing mathematics facts and skills. It is Dr. Clarke’s desire to make math matter for every student every day by creating learning environments that position all students for high levels of success.
Dr. Valeisha EllisAssistant Professor, Spelman College
Dr. Valeisha M. Ellis is currently an Assistant Professor in the Education Department at Spelman College. She has a background in K-12 Special Education, STEM Education, and Reading/ELA Education. Dr. Ellis has expertise in Assessment, Accreditation, and K-12 Community Partnership Development. In 2021, Dr. Ellis secured over 1.2 million in grant funding focused on diversifying the teacher workforce, STEM educator pipeline development, Social and Emotional Learning, and K-12 community partnerships. She earned her Doctor of Education degree in Elementary Education, Master of Science in Special Education/Varying Exceptionalities (K-12), and Bachelor of Science in Special Education/Varying Exceptionalities (K-12) from Florida State University.